Alles Geht Vorbei Zitate

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Alles geht vorbei Zitate - German Quotes About Moving On

Dealing with difficult situations can be tough, but it's important to remember that everything eventually comes to an end. In Germany, there are many quotes about moving on and overcoming obstacles. Here are some of the most inspiring "alles geht vorbei" (everything passes) quotes:

1. "Nichts ist für immer, außer die Veränderung." - Nothing is forever except change.

This quote by German poet and playwright Friedrich Schiller reminds us that change is the only constant in life. No matter what we're going through, it's important to remember that it won't last forever.

2. "Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei." - Everything ends, only sausage has two.

This humorous saying is a reminder that even the toughest times will eventually come to an end. It's important to keep a sense of humor and not take everything too seriously.

3. "Die Zeit heilt alle Wunden." - Time heals all wounds.

This well-known phrase is a reminder that even the most painful experiences will eventually fade with time. It's important to be patient and give ourselves time to heal.

4. "Wenn einer allein träumt, ist es nur ein Traum. Wenn viele gemeinsam träumen, ist das der Anfang einer neuen Wirklichkeit." - If one dreams alone, it's only a dream. If many dream together, it's the beginning of a new reality.

This quote by German writer Friedensreich Hundertwasser reminds us that we are stronger together. When we come together to dream and work towards a common goal, we can create a better future.

5. "Nichts kann existieren ohne Ordnung und ohne Gehorsam gegenüber dieser Ordnung." - Nothing can exist without order and obedience to that order.

This quote by German philosopher Immanuel Kant reminds us that even in difficult times, it's important to maintain order and discipline. By staying organized and focused, we can overcome even the toughest obstacles.

Comments from People Who Use or Know Alles Geht Vorbei Zitate

"I love using these quotes to remind myself that everything will eventually pass. It helps me stay positive and focused on the future." - Maria K.

"These quotes are a great reminder that we're not alone in our struggles. Everyone goes through tough times, but we can get through it together." - Stefan D.

"I often use these quotes to help motivate my team at work. It's a great way to inspire them to keep pushing forward, even when things get tough." - Sabine L.


Alles geht vorbei zitate are inspiring German quotes that remind us that everything eventually comes to an end. Whether we're dealing with difficult times, heartbreak, or just the ups and downs of life, it's important to keep these quotes in mind. By staying positive, maintaining order and discipline, and remembering that we're not alone, we can overcome even the toughest obstacles and create a better future.

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